Sunday, August 10, 2008

first designs

While my client does not require excessive amounts of room for his guests or everyday life, in order to maintain the illusion of a young millionaire “space” is needed. Basically he needs an over sized house with rooms far too big for their own good. The other requirement is privacy. The simplest way of achieving this is to divide the house in two. One side for the public with all the amenities included so they do not have to venture into the other half of the house (the private). So to assist I will design a large house with a minimum of several over sized rooms, and an almost hidden away from sight will be a small door that leads into his second world of research and discovery. An added touch will be a large crucifix imbedded within the buildings structure, a feature to bring him some kind of comfort. While he does not entirely feel there is a connection between religion and angels he also feels one can never be too safe. Being partially catholic the decision was made to place what he felt was a good omen for an angel to see if one was ever to follow him home.

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